Monday, September 7, 2009

Adventures in Blending.

This one is a 100% true story. A similar smoothie demon even burst forth from Solomon's guts exactly like that. That's what we get for making the theme of our second blended drink "Brown". The first one, however, turned out to be very delicious. Even Subhash (on the far left), who was our guinea pig, approved it. Here is the recipe, in case you are interested. It is mostly guesswork, but I figure if you play around with these ingredients you'll get something quite similar to us.

1/4 Red Delicious Apple
1 pint orange & vanilla sherbert
10 oz. 7UP
Approx. 5 oz. of Sparkiling
Pomegranate Fizzie
1 8 oz. can of pineapple slices
a handful of red seedless grapes

Try it at home, kids! (At your own risk)


  1. Lol, I'm more interested in the other recipe. I'm really curious to see a blob monster erupt from someone's stomach.

    What is pomegranate fizzie btw?

  2. Sparkling Pomegranate Juice. Usually comes in a bottle. Isn't the first recipe missing coconut milk? Hmmm...maybe not...I can't remember.

  3. Fookay: I tried like hell to find you a picture of the bottle, but clealy it does not exist.But yes, it is sparkling juice that comes in various flavors. We actually bought it because we needed a bottle cap for our mini air hockey table, but that's a story for another comic. < <

    Jonathan: Nope. Solomon wrote down the recipe while I still had the ingredients out. The coconut milk was only used for the second drink.

  4. Baaahahaha

    Oh Subhash! He would say exactly that.
    AND THAT'S WHAT YOU GET for making that awful second recipe! XD
    Lol I'm pleased. I can tell exactly who one of your characters is if I've previously met 'em. Kudos!
